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時(shí)間:12-11 10:13 點(diǎn)擊:130

適用范圍 :適用于水利系統(tǒng)、市政污水、城市防洪排澇、污水處理廠、自來(lái)水廠拍門具有流道正向單向開(kāi)啟和反向關(guān)閉的作用。拍門的閥蓋借助于自身配重的平衡作用,在水流的作用下使門頁(yè)自動(dòng)開(kāi)啟或關(guān)閉,或稍加外力作用使門頁(yè)開(kāi)啟或關(guān)閉;拍門蓋上設(shè)有拉環(huán),拉動(dòng)拉環(huán)此蓋的開(kāi)啟角度應(yīng)大于60度,無(wú)卡阻現(xiàn)象,開(kāi)關(guān)應(yīng)自由靈活,當(dāng)鑄鐵拍門部分泡在水中,管道內(nèi)部壓力較大,反向壓力較小時(shí),拍門允許部分泄漏量,當(dāng)河道水壓增大時(shí),拍門將自動(dòng)關(guān)閉密封。The flap door has the function of forward one-way opening and reverse closing of the flow path. The valve cover of the flap door can automatically open or close the door under the action of water flow with the help of the balance of its counterweight, or open or close the door with a slight external force; the flap cover is provided with a pulling ring, and the opening angle of the pulling ring of the cover should be greater than 60 degrees, without jamming phenomenon, and the switch should be free and flexible, when the flap part is soaked in water In the middle of the pipeline, when the internal pressure is high and the reverse pressure is low, the flap door allows part of the leakage, and when the river water pressure increases, the flap door will automatically close and seal.


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