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時間:02-16 17:28 點擊:112

        鑄鐵拍門是我廠自行研制的專利產(chǎn)品,該產(chǎn)品以Q/TF-B2771本公司技術(shù)規(guī)范爲(wèi)準(zhǔn);該產(chǎn)品按GB/T13927實驗要求停止;設(shè)備公稱壓力(PN):0.25-1.6Mpa;公稱通徑(DN):200-2000mm。 二、用處 拍門 適用于給排水及污水處置工程的各種管道和水渠道作溢流、止回之用,亦可用作各種豎井井蓋,它僅用于單向水流的圓形出水口。 三、類型 拍門 分爲(wèi)配重式和浮箱式兩種,其中配重式 拍門 又分前掛配重式和附件配重式。 拍門 的構(gòu)造簡圖見圖1、2、3。 四、構(gòu)造特點: 拍門 具有流道正向單向開啟和反向封閉的作用。配重式 拍門 借助于配重的均衡作用,在水流的作用下使門頁自動開啟或封閉,或稍加外力作用使門頁開啟或封閉;浮箱式  拍門 則應(yīng)用門頁在水中的浮力,在水流的作用下使門頁開啟或封閉。 1、配重式 拍門 的優(yōu)、缺陷; (1) 構(gòu)造復(fù)雜、任務(wù)牢靠; (2) 門頁的開啟需求借助配重的均衡; (3) 門頁封閉時,沖擊力較大,易損壞門座。   2、浮箱式拍門的優(yōu)點、缺陷; (1) 門座構(gòu)造與配重拍門相反,門頁爲(wèi)密封腔體構(gòu)造,門頁比重爲(wèi)1.2-1.5; (2) 無需懸掛配置配重; (3) 門頁封閉時沖擊力小。 五、 拍門 的裝置運用 1、    拍門 裝置可與法蘭銜接,可預(yù)埋,也可永插; 2、  配重 拍門 運用時,假如正向水力缺乏,不能開啟門頁,可依據(jù)裝置地位需求設(shè)置不等分量的配重安裝; 3、  浮箱 拍門 在運用進程中,可經(jīng)過向門頁密封腔體內(nèi)注水或放水的辦法改動門頁的比重,以到達*開啟效果。 4、  多臺 拍門 裝置時,如因起吊條件限制需分號裝置,應(yīng)留意標(biāo)注標(biāo)志,因每臺拍門的門座和門頁銜接屬偶配,不能互換。 5、  穿墻管裝置軸線與程度方向的夾角a應(yīng)大于或等于零度(見圖4) 6、  拍門 裝置后,門座與門頁間有3mm左右的間隙屬正常景象,當(dāng)門頁接受一定的反向壓力時,間隙會增加致使消逝。This product was developed and recovered by our factory. The product is based on the technical specifications of Q/TF-B2771 Company; the product is stopped according to GB/T13927 experimental requirements; nominal pressure of equipment (PN): 0.25-1.6 Mpa; nominal diameter (DN): 200-2000 mm. 2. The utility flapping door is suitable for all kinds of pipes and channels in water supply and drainage and sewage disposal projects for overflow and backflow, and also for various shaft covers. It is only used for circular outlets of unidirectional flow. 3. There are two types of batting doors: counterweight type and floating box type. Among them, counterweight batting doors can be divided into pre-hanging counterweight type and attachment counterweight type. The structural sketch of the clap door is shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. 4. Structural characteristics: The clapping door has the function of one-way opening and reverse closure of the flow channel. With the help of the balance function of the counterweight, the counterweight clapping door can automatically open or close the door pages under the action of water flow, or open or close the door pages with a little external force; the floating box clapping door uses the buoyancy of the door pages in water to open or close the door pages under the action of water flow. 1. The advantages and disadvantages of the counterweight clapping door; (1) the structure is complex and the task is reliable; (2) the opening demand of the door page is balanced by the counterweight; (3) when the door page is closed, the impact is greater and the door seat is easy to be damaged. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of floating box type clap door; (1) Portal seat construction is contrary to counterweight clap door, the door page is sealed cavity structure, the specific gravity of the door page is 1.2-1.5; (2) no suspension configuration counterweight; (3) the impact force is small when the door page is closed. Fifth, the device of clapping door can be connected with flange, buriable or permanently inserted; second, if the front hydraulic force is insufficient and the door page can not be opened, it can be installed with unequal weight according to the requirement of device status; third, the method of injecting or discharging water into the sealing chamber of the door page can be changed during the operation of the floating box clapping door. Move the proportion of the door pages to reach the * open effect. 4. When several door-slapping devices are required to be semicoloned due to the limitation of lifting conditions, attention should be paid to labeling signs, because the connection of the door seat and the door page of each door-slapping device belongs to the spouse and cannot be exchanged. 5. The angle a between the axis and the degree direction of the wall-piercing pipe device should be greater than or equal to zero (see Fig. 4) 6. After the door-patting device, the gap between the door seat and the door page is about 3 mm. When the door page receives a certain reverse pressure, the gap will increase and disappear.

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